EXCELLENT RESULTS IN THE 2014 SYDNEY HOBART AND 34th CLUB MARINE PITTWATER TO COFFS Millenium Tech’s decision to put its state of the art sail technology at the disposition of the world’s most innovative sale manufacturers is continuing to achieve excellent results. The Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race is the most classic, yet most exhilarating race of the Australian season, a regatta whose first competitors left Sydney Harbour for Hobart via the terrible Bass Strait (a distance of 628 miles) on 26 December 1945. This year, products developed by Millenium Tech – the only sail company in the world to work together with its customers on finding the most competitive solutions – and Hood Sailmakers Australia have achieved excellent results in the majority of the classes competing in this world famous regatta. Indeed, Colin Woods’ Cookson 50, Fly III, fitted with three Hood Millenium jibs, dominated IRC Division 0 and Tont Kirby’s Ker 46, Patrice, rigged with a full inventory of Millenium Hood sails, won first place in IRC Division 1. Sam Haynes’ Rogers 46, ADA Celestial, using Hood Millenium jibs was second in IRC Division 2 and third in ORCi Division 2, while, in the 34th Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs, R. Roberts’s Roberts 950, Corroboree, using a full Hood Millenium inventory, dominated PHF TCS Division 2. According a spokesperson from the headquarters of the Florentine sail manufacturers, “the successes achieved at the start of the new year confirm that all the hard work put in over the last few months is producing excellent results. We are working in the right direction, we are happy with our product position in today’s market and we are sure that the introduction of our new offer of ultimate generation products will make us even more competitive than before.”]]>
2015: Millenium is a winner
7 January 2015